I love spreading christmas cheer and there is something so magical about having a christmas tree at home. Christmas trees and toddlers can be a bit much although, it is one of my favorite traditions to go on a ski adventure to find the perfect tree in the forest. BUT our house is not very big and with four toddlers needing every inch of that space to play during the coldest time of year, I wasn’t willing to get a real tree this year. We did this last year as well and it worked really well for us. We happened to have all this stuff laying around and put it together really quick but you may need to pick up a few things so here is the list:

What you need

Here’s how to do it

Side screws, not fully drilled, just enough space to wrap garland
The perfect spot

Green and silver garland base
Decorations added
Lights on! Afterschool mode.

Stay tuned for my next post about Christmas gifts for parents if you want to know what we’re gifting this year.

Let me know how this went for you! I would love too see how others have navigated Christmas trees and toddlers.

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